The Conditions of the plantation.
1 WHat perfon foeuer, fubiect to our Soue-
raigne Lord the King of England, fhall in
this fecond voyage, be at the charge to tranfport into the
faid Province of Mary-land, himfelfe or his Deputy, with
ten able men fit for labour, betweene the ages of 20. and
60. every man being provided in all things neceffary for
a plantation: the particulars whereof they fhall vnder-
ftand at the place mentioned at the end of thefe Con-
ditions: (which together with their tranfportation,
will amount to about 20 l. a man) His Lordfhip will
affigne to euery fuch vndertaker, and for every fuch tenne
men, a proportion of good land within the faid Pro-
vince, containing in quantity 3000. Acres of Englifh
meafure, which fhall bee erected into a Mannor, and bee
conveied to him, and his heires for ever: with all fuch
Royalties and Priviledges, as are vfually belonging to
Mannors in England. Rendring and paying yearely vnto
his Lordfh. and his heires for every fuch Mannor; 600.
pound weight of good wheate: and fuch other fervices
as fhall be generally agreed vpon, for publike vfe, and the
common good; and as are vfuall in all other Plantations.
2 And forafmuch, as the ftragling manner of dwel-
ling vfed heretofore by our Englifh in forraine Plantati-
ons, hath bin found by experience to be very inconveni-
ent, without comfort or fecurity; befides the diforder
and diftraction, which it caufeth in the government.
And that at laft (feeling the effects of that error) they
haue bin compelled to vnite themfelues together in one