any women, more or fewer, in the fecond voyage, hee
fhall bee allowed 30. Acres of good land in furplufage
about the former proportions: for every woman he fhall
fo carry over, or fend over.
6 Whatfoever husband-man, or other laboring-man,
fhall bee willing to goe to this Plantation, and to binde
himfelfe a feruant there for fiue yeares, he fhall be enter-
tained (if he come within the limited time to the place
appointed) vpon thefe termes; that is to fay; he fhall be
found fufficient meate and drinke, and clothing, during
the faid terme: and at the end of the faid terme, he fhall
haue 50. Acres of good land conveied to him, and his
heires forever, within the faid Province, a whole yeeres
provifion of all neceffaries according to the vfuall cu-
ftome of other Plantations.
And if hee bee either a fufficient Carpenter, Ioyner,
Brick-layer, Brick-maker, Mafon, Wheele-wright, Coo-
per, or Ship-wright, in ftead of thefe 50. Acres propo-
fed, hee fhall haue 100. Acres of good land, at the end
of his terme, and the reft of the aforefaid conditions, for
three yeares fervice onely.
WHofoever intends to partake in this fecond
Voyage, muft come, or fend before the 20.
of October next enfuing, to M. William Peafeley Efq.
his Lordfh. brother in-law, at his houfe on the back-fide
of Drury-lane, over againft the Cock-pit on the field-
fide: And there to him deliuer their tranfportation-
money, according to the number of men they meane to
fend over, at the rate of fixe pound a man, to the end
convenient paffage may bee referved for them, in his
Lordfh. fhipping; beyond which time it will not be pof-
fible for any to partake in this fecond Voyage.
15. Iuly 1634.