what place of his kingdome wee pleafed. While this King was a-
board, all the Indians came to the Water-fide, fearing treafon,
whereupon two of the Kings men, that attended him in our fhippe
were appointed to row on fhoare to quit them of this feare: but
they refufing to goe for feare of the popular fury; the interpretours
ftanding on the deck, fhewed the King to them that he was in fafe-
ty, where-with they were fatisfied. In this iourney the Gouernour
entertained Captaine Henry fleete and his three barkes; who ac-
cepted a proportion in beauer trade to ferue vs, being skillfull in the
tongue, and well beloued of the natiues.
Whileft the Gouernour was abroad, the Indians Began to lay a-
fide feare, and to come to our Court of guard, which wee kept night
and day vpon St. Clements Ile: partly to defend our Barge, which
was brought in pieces out of England and there made vp, and part-
ly to defend the Captaines men, which were imployed in felling of
trees, and cleaning pales for the pallizado: and at laft they ventured
to come aboard our fhip. It was worth the hearing, for thofe who
vnderftood them, to heare what admiration they made at our fhip;
calling it a Canow; and wondering where fo great a tree grew that
made it, concerning it to bee made of one piece, as their Canow's
are. Our great Ordnance was a great and fearefull thunder, they had
neuer heard any before; all the Countrey trembles at them.
The Gouernour being returned, wee came fome nine leagues low-
er to a riuer on the North-fide of that land, as bigg as the Thames :
which wee called Saint Georges riuer: It runnes vp to the North a-
bout 20. miles before it comes to the frefh. This riuer makes two ex-
cellent Bayes, for 300 fayle of Shipps of 1000. tunne, to harbour in
with great fafety. the one Bay wee named Saint Georges; the other
(and more inward) Saint Maries. The King of Yaocomoco, dwells
on the left-hand or fide thereof; and wee tooke vp our feate on the
right, one mile within the land. It is as braue a piece of ground to
fet downe on as moft is in the Countrey, and I fuppofe as good (if
not much better) then the primeft parcell of Englifh ground.
Our Towne wee call Saint Maries: and to auoid all iuft occafion
of offence, and collour of wrong, wee bought of the King for Hat-
chetts Axes, Howes, and Clothes, a quantitie of fome 30 miles of
Land, which wee call Augusta Carolina. And that which made them