the more Willing to fell it, was the warres they had with the Saf-
quefa-hanoughs, a nigh bordering nation, who came often into
their Countrey, to wafte and deftroy; and forced many of them to
leaue their Countrey, and paffe ouer Patoemeck to free themfelues
from perill, before wee came. God no doubt difpofing all this for
them, who were to bring his law and light among thefe Infidells.
Yet feeing wee came fo well prepared with armes, their feare was
much leffe, and they could be content to dwell by vs: yet doe they
daily relinquish their houfes, lands, and corne-fields, and leaue
them to vs. Is not this a piece of wonder, that a nation, which a few
dayes before was in armes with the reft againft vs, fhould yeeld
themfelues now vnto vs like lambes, and giue vs their houfes, lands,
and liuings for a trifle? Digitus Dei eft hic ; and furely fome great
good is emended by God to this Nation. Some few families of In-
dians are permitted yet to ftay by vs till next yeere, and then the
land is free.
Wee had not beene long time feated there, ere Sir Iohn Haruey
Gouernoor of Virginia, did our gouernour the honour (in moft
friendly manner) to vifit him: and during the time of his being
there, the King of Patuxent alfo came to vifit vs; and being come
aboard the Arke, and brought into the great cabbin, and feated be-
tweene the two Gouernours (Captaine Fleete and Mafter Golding
the interpreters being present) hee began his fpeech as followeth.
When I heard that a great Werowance of the Englifh was come
to Yoacomoco, I bad a great defire to fee him. But when I heard the
Werowance of Pasbie-haye was come thither alfo to vifit him; I pre-
sently ftart vp, and without further counfell, came to fee them
In the time of his ftay at Saint Maries, wee kept the folemnitie
of carrying our colours on fhoare: and the King of Patuxunt ac-
companying vs, was much taken with the ceremony. But the fame
night (hee and Captaine fleete being at the Indian-Houfe ) the
Arke's great gunnes, to honour the day, fpake aloude; which the
King of Patuxunt with grcat admiration hearing, counfelled his
friends the Yoacomoco Indians to bee carefell that they breake not
their peace with vs; and faid :
When wee fhoote, our Bow-strings give a twang that's heard but a lit--