The ground is couered thicke with pokickeries (which is a wild
Wall-nut, very hard and thick of fhell; but the meate (though
little) is pafsing fweete) with black Wall-nuts, and acrons bigger
then ours. It abounds with Vines, and falletts, hearbs, and flowers,
full of Cedar, and faffafras. It is but 400 acres bigg, and therefore
too little for vs to fettle vpon.
Heere wee went to a place, where a large tree was made into a
Croffe; and taking it on our fhoulders, wee carried it to the place
appointed for it. The Gouernour and Commifsioners putting their
hands firft vnto it, then the reft of the chiefeft aduenturers. At the
place prepared wee all kneeled downe, and faid certaine Prayers;
taking poffefsion of this Countrey for our Sauiour; and for our fo-
ueraigne Lord the King of England.
Here our gouernour had good aduice giuen him, not to land for
good and all, before hee had beene with the Emperour of Pafchat-
toway, and had declared vnto him the caufe of our comming: which
was, firft to learne them a diuine Doctrine, which would lead their
foules to a place of happineffe after this life were ended: And alfo
to enrich them with fuch ornaments of a ciuill life, wherewith, our
Countrey doth abound: and this Empereur being fatiffied, none of
the inferiour Kings would ftirre. In conformity to this aduice, hee
tooke two Pinnaces, his owne, and another hired at Virginia; and
leauing the fhip before Saint Clements at Anchor, went vp the riuer,
and landing on the fouth-fide,and finding the Indians fled for feare,
came to Patotmeck Towne, where the King being a child, Archihau
his Vncle governed both him, and his Countrey for him. Hee gaue
all the company good wellcome; and one of the company hauing
entred into a little difcourfe with him touching the errours of their
religion, hee feemed well pleafed therewith; and at his going away
defired him to returne vnto him againe, telling him hee fhould liue
at his Table, his men fhould hunt for him, and hee would diuide all
with him.
From hence they went to Pafchattoway. All were heere armed :
500 Bow-men came to the Water-fide. The Emperour himfelfe
more feareleffe then the reft, came priuately a boord, where hee was
courteoufly entertained; and vnderftanding wee came in a peace-
able manner, bade vs welcome, and gaue vs leaue to fit downe in