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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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come, to import, or unlade, by themfelvcs, or
their fervants factors, or affignes, all Merchan-
dizes and goods whatfoever, that fhall arife of
the fruits and commodities of the faid Pro-
vince, either by land or fea, into any of the ports
of Vs, Our Heires and Succeffors, in Our king-
domes of England, or Ireland, or otherwife to
difpofe of the faid goods, in the faid Ports, and
if need be, within one yeere next after the unla-
ding of the fame, to lade the faid merchandizes
and goods againe, into the fame or other fhips,
and to export the fame into any other Coun-
treys, either of our Dominion or forreigne, (be-
ing in Amity with Vs, Our Heires and Succef-
fors) Provided alwayes, that they pay fuch Cu-
ftomes, Impofitions, Subfidies and Duties for
the fame, to Vs, Our Heires and Succeffors, as
the reft of Our Subjects of Our Kingdomc of
England, for the time being, fhall be bound to
pay: beyond which, We will not that the inha-
bitants of the forefaid Province of Mary-land,
fhall be any way charged.

   AND furthcrmore, of Our more ample and
fpeciall Grace, certaine knowledge, and meere
motion, We doe, for Vs, Our Heires and Suc-
ceffors, grant unto the faid now Lord Balte-
his heires and affignes, full and abfolute
power and authority, to make, erect, and confti-
tute, Within the Province of Mary-land, and the
Iles and Iletts aforefaid, fuch, and fo many Sea-


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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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