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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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borne, and fuch as fhall prepare themfelves un-
to this prefent Plantation, and fhall defire to
deferve well of Vs, and Our Kingdomes, both in
peace and war, info farre diftant and remote a
Countrey: Therefore We, for Vs, Our Heires
and Succeffors, doe give free, and abfolute pow-
er, unto the faid now Lord Baltemore, his heires
and affignes, to conferre favours, rewards, and
honours, upon fuch inhabitants within the
Province aforefaid, as fhall deferve the fame;
and to inveft them, with what titles and digni-
ties foever, as he fhall thinke fit, (fo as they be
not fuch as are now ufed in England) As like-
wife to erect and incorporate, Townes into Bo-
roughes, and Boroughs into Cities, with conve-
nient priuiledges and immunities, according
to the merit of the inhabitants, and the fitnesse
of the places, and to doe all and every other
thing or things, touching the premifes, which
to him, or them, fhall feeme meete and requi-
fite; albeit they be fuch as of their owne na-
ture might Otherwife require a more fpeciall
commandement and warrant, then in thefe Pre-
fents is expreffed.

   WEE will alfo, and by thefe Prefents, for
Vs, Our Heires and Succeffors, We doe give
and grant licence, by this Our Charter, unto
the faid now Lord Baltemore, his heires and af-
fignes, and to all the inhabitants and dwellers
in the Province aforefaid, both prefent and to
                     C                 come,


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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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