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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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Martiall Law.

as any Captaine Generall of an army hath ever
had the fame.

   ALSO, Our Will and Pleafure is, and by
this Our Charter, We doe give unto the faid
now Lord Baltemore, his heires, and affignes,
full power, liberty, and authority, in cafe of Re-
bellion, Tumult, or Sedition, if any fhould
happen (which God forbid) either upon the
land within the Province aforefaid, or upon the
maine fea, in making a voyage thither, or retur-
ning from thence, by them felues, or their
captains, deputies or other officers, to be autho-
rized under their feales for that purpofe (to
whom we alfo, for Vs, Our Heires and Succef-
fors, doe give and grant by thefe prefents, full
power and authority) to exercife Martiall Law
againft mutinous and feditious perfons of
thofe parts, fuch as fhall refufe to fubmit them-
fclves to his, or their governement, or fhall re-
fufe to ferve in the warres, or fhall flie to the
Enemy, or forfake their Enfignes, or be loyte-
rers, or ftraglers, or otherwife howfoever offen-
ding againft the Law, Cuftome, and Difcipline
military, as freely, and in as ample manner and
forme, as any Captaine generall of an army by
vertue of his office might, or hath accuftomed
to ufe the fame.

Power to con-
ferre honor.

   FVRTHERMORE, That the way to
honors and dignities, may not feeme to be al-
together precluded and fhut up, to men well

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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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