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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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Vs, Our Heires, or Succeffors, or of any of the
officers of Vs, Our Heires, or Succeffors, (fa-
ving alwayes, to Vs, Our Heires and Succef-
fors, the Impofitions, Cuftomes, and other
duties and payments for the faid Wares and
Merchandife) any Statute, Act, Ordinance or
other thing whatfoever to the contrary not-

   AND becaufe in fo remote a Country, and
fituate amongft fo many barbarous nations, the
incurfions afwell of the falvages themfelves, as
of other enemies, pyrates and robbers, may pro-
bably be feared: Therefore We have given, and
for Vs, Our Heires, and Succeffors, doe give
power by thefe prefents, unto the now Lord
Baltemore, his heires and affignes, by them-
felves, or their Captaines, or other their officers,
to Leauy, Mufter and Traine, all forts of men,
of what condition, or wherefoever borne, in the
faid Province of Mary-land for the time being,
and to make warre, and to purfue the Enemies
and Robbers aforefaid, afwell by fea as by land,
yea, even without the limits of the faid Pro-
vince, and (by Gods affiftance) to vanquifh
and take them, and being taken, to put them to
death by the Law of warre, or to fave them at
their pleafure, and to doe all and every other
thing which unto the charge and office of a
Captaine Generall of an Army belongeth, or
hath accuftomed to belong, as fully and freely,

Power of warr
and peace.

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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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