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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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Our Kingdome of England, freely, quietly, and
peaceably, have and poffeffe, occupy and enjoy,
as Our liege pcople, borne, or to be borne, with-
in Our faid Kingdome of England, without the
let, moleftation, vexation, trouble, or grievance
of Vs, Our Heires and Succeffors: any Statute,
Act, Ordinance, or Provifion to the contrary
hereof notwithstanding.

Licence to
goods and

Our Subjects may be the rather encouraged to
undertake this expedition, with ready and
cheerefull minds; K N O W Y E E, that We
of Our fpeciall grace, certaine knowledge,
and meere motion, doe give and grant, by ver-
tue of these prefents, af well unto the faid now
Lord Baltimore and his Heires, as to all o-
ther that fhall from time to time repaire unto
that province, with a purpofe to inhabite there,
or to trade with the Natives of the faid Pro-
vince, full licence to Lade and Fraight in any
Ports whatfoever, of Vs, Our Heires and Suc-
ceffors, and into the faid Province of Mary-
by them, their fervants, or affignes, to tranf-
port, all and fingular, their Goods, Wares, and
Merchandize; as likewife all forts of graine
whatfoever, and any other things whatfoever,
neceffary for food or clothing (not prohibited
by the Lawes and Statutes of our Kingdomes
and Dominions to bee carried out of the faid
kingdomes) without any lett, or moleftation of

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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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