to notifie the fame to all perfons, whom the
fame doth, or any way may concerne; which
Ordinances, Our pleafure is, fhall be obferued
inviolably within the faid Province, under the
paines therein to bee expreffed. So as the faid
Ordinances be confonant to reafon, and be not
repugnant nor contrary, but fo farre as conve-
niently may be, agreeable with tbe Lawes and
Statutes of Our Kingdome of England, and fo
as the faid Ordinances be not extended, in any
fort to bind, charge, or take away the right
or intereft of any perfon, or perfons, of, or in
their Life, Member, Free-hold, Goods, or
Licence to
goe to
Mary land.
FVRTHERMORE, that this new Colony
may the more happily encreafe by the multi-
tude of people reforting thither, and may like-
wife be the more ftrongly defended from the
incurfions of Saluages, or other enemies, Py-
rates and Robbers: Therefore Wee, for Vs,
Our Heires and Succeffors, doe give and grant
by thefe Prefents, Power, licence, and liberty
unto all the liege people, and fubjects, both
prefent, and future, of Vs, Our Heires,and Suc-
ceffors (excepting thofe who fhall be fpecially
forbidden) to tranfport themfelues and families
unto the faid Province, with conuenient fhip-
ping, and fitting provifions, and there to fettle
themfelues, dwell and inhabite, and to build,
and fortifie Caftles, Forts, and other places of