in thofe parts, fo farre as they concerne them,
under the paines therein expreffed, or to be ex-
preffed: Provided nevertheleffe, that the faid
Lawes be confonant to reafon, and be not re-
pugnant or contrary, but as neere as conueni-
ently may be, agreeable to the Lawes, Statutes,
Cuftomes, and Rights of this our Kingdome
of England.
AND FORASMVCH, as in the Govern-
ment of fo great a Province, fuddaine accidents
doe often happen, whereunto it will be necef-
fary to apply a remedy, before the Free-holders
of the faid Province, their Delegates, or Depu-
ties, can be affembled to the making of Lawes,
neither will it be conuenient, that inftantly up-
on every fuch emergent occafion, fo great a
multitude fhould be called together: There-
fore for the better government of the faid Pro-
vince, Wee will and ordaine, and by thefe Pre-
fents for Vs, Our Heires, and Succeffors, doe
grant unto the faid now Lord Baltemore,
and his heires, that the faid now Lord Bal-
temore and his heires, by themfelues, or by
their Magiftrates and Officers in that behalfe
duely to be ordained as aforefaid, may make
and conftitute, fit and wholefome Ordinances,
from time to time, within the faid Province, to
be kept and obferued, as well for the prefervati-
on of the Peace, as for the better government
of the people there inhabiting, and publikely
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