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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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Baltimore, and his heires, or by his or their De-
puties, Lievtenants, Iudges, Iuftices, Magi-
ftrates, Officers, and Minifters to be ordained
or appointed, according to the Tenor, and true
intention of thefe Prcfents: And likewife to
appoint and eftablifh any ludges and Iuftices,
Magiftrates and Officers whatfoever, at fea and
Land, for what caufes foever, and with what
power foever, and in fuch forme, as to the faid
now Lord Baltemore, or his heires, fhall
feeme moft conuenient: Alfo to remit, releafe,
pardon, and abolifh, whether before Judge-
ment, or after, all crimes or offences whatfoe-
ver, againft the faid Lawes: and to doe all and
every other thing or things, which unto the
compleate eftablifhment of luftice, unto
Courts, Praetories, and Tribunals, formes of Iu-
dicature and maners of procccding, do belong:
although in thefe Prefents, expreffe mention be
not made thereof, and by ludges by them dele-
gated, to award Proceffe, hold Pleas, and deter-
mine in all the faid Courts and Tribunalls, all
actions, fuits, and caufes whatfoever, as well cri-
minall as civill, perfonall, reall, mixt, and praeto-
riall; which laws, so as aforfaid to be publifhied,
Our pleafure is, and fo Wee enioyne, require,
and command fhall be moft abfolute and avai-
lable in Law, and that all the Leige people,
and fubjects of Vs, Our Heires and Succef-
fors, do obferue and keepe the fame inuiolably,



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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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