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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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dent circumfpection of the faid now Lord
Baltemore, for Vs , Our Heires and Succeffors,
doe grant free, full, and abfolute power, by
vertue of thefe Prefents, to him and his heires,
for the good and happy government of the faid
Province, to ordaine, make, enact, and under
his and their feales to publifh any Lawes what-
foever, appertaining either unto the publike
State of the faid Province, or unto the private
utility of particular Perfons, according unto
their beft difcretions, of and with the aduife
affent and approbation of the Free-men of the
faid Province, or the greater part of them, or
of their delegates or deputies, whom for the
enacting of the faid Lawes, when, and as often
as neede fhall require, We will that the faid
now Lord Baltemore, and his heires, fhall
affemble in fuch fort and forme, as to him or
them fhall feeme best: And the fame lawes du-
ly to execute upon all people, within the faid
Province, and limits thereof, for the time be-
ing, or that fhall be conftituted under the go-
vernment, and power of him or them, either
fayling towards Mary-land, or returning from
thence toward England, or any other of Ours, or
forraine Dominions, by impofition of Penal-
ties, Imprifonment, or any other punishment;
yea, if it shall be needfull, and that the quality
of the offence require it, by taking away mem-
ber or life, either by him the faid now Lord
                      B                   Baltemore,

Power to e-
nact Lawes

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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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