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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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of Windsor, in Our County of Berkfhire, in free
and common foccage, by fealty onely , for all
feruices, and not in Capite, or by Knights fer-
uice: YEELDING and paying therefore
to Vs, our Heires and Succeffors, two Indian


Arrowes of thofe parts, to be delivered at Our
faid Caftle of windfor, every yeere on the Tuef-
day in Eafter weeke; and alfo the fifth part of
all Gold and Siluer Oare within the limits
aforefaid, which fhall from time to time hap-
pen to be found.
   NOW THAT the faid Countrey thus
by Vs granted, and defcribed, may be eminent
above all other parts of the faid territory, and
dignified with larger titles: Know yee that wee
of our further grace, certaine knowledge, and
meere motion, have thought fit to erect the
fame Countrey and Ilands into a Province, as
out of the fullneffe of Our royall Power, and
Prerogative, Wee doe, for Vs, Our Heires, and
Succeffors, erect, and incorporate them into a
Province, and doe call it Mary land, and fo
from henceforth will have it called.
have hereby made, and ordained the forefaid
now Lord Baltemore, the true Lord, and
Proprietary of all the Province aforefaid:
Know yee therefore moreover, that Wee,
repofing efpeciall truft and confidence in
the fidelitie, wifedome, Iuftice, and Provi-

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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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