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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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of our Kingdome of England: Together with all
and fingular the like, and as ample rights, Iurif-
dictions, Priviledges, Prerogatives, Royalties,
Liberties Immunities, Royall rights, and fran-
chifes of what kind soevere temporall,as well by
Sea, as by land, within the Countrey, Iles, I-

letts, and limits aforefaid; To have, exercife,
ufe and enjoy the fame, as amply as any Bifhop
of Durham, within the Bifhoprick, or County
Palatine of Durham, in our Kingdome of Eng-
hath at any time heretofore had, held, u-
fed,or enjoyed, Or of right ought, or might have
had, held, ufed, or enjoyed.
   A N D H I M the faid now Lord Balte-
, his Heires and Affignes, Wee doe by
thefe Prefents for Vs, Our Heires and Succef-
fors, make, create, and conftitute the true and
abfolute Lords, and Proprietaries of the Coun-
trey aforefaid, and of all other the Premifes,
(except before excepted ) faving alwayes, the
faith and allegeance, and Soveraigne domini-
on due unto Vs, Our Heires and Succeffors.
   T O H A V E, hold, poffeffe, and enjoy the
fayd Countrey, Iles, Iletts , and other the Pre-
mifes, unto the faid now Lord Baltemore,
his heires and affignes, to the fole and proper
ufe and behoofe of him the faid now Lord
Baltimore, his heires and affignes for ever.

of aCount

   T O B E E holden of Vs, Our Heires, and
Succefsors, Kings of England, as of Our Caftle



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The Charter of Maryland, June 20, 1632
Volume 549, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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