CHAP. 93.
To deed accord-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of fur-
ther executing said agreement, the said Thomas H. Dorsey
and Ann Dorsey his wife, Caleb Dorsey, John S. Sellman,
Essex R. Dorsey, and Ann E. Dorsey his wife, are hereby
fully authorised to execute a good deed of bargain and
sale, and partition, to the said Edward Dorsey, for so much
of the said real estate of the said Richard Dorsey, de-
ceased, to be held in fee, in severally, as was agreed upon
and intended between the said Thomas H. Dorsey, and
Ann Dorsey his wife, Caleb Dorsey, John S. Sellman, and
Mary Sellman his wife, Essex R. Dorsey and Ann E.
Dorsey his wife, and the said Edward Dorsey.
Deed from Edward
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of further
executing said agreement, the said Edward Dorsey is
hereby fully authorised to execute a good deed of bargain
and sale to the said Caleb Dorsey, Ann E. Dorsey, and to
the children of Mary Sellman, deceased, namely: Leonard
Sellman, Richard Dorsey Sellman, Mary Ann Jannatta
Sellman, and John Stephen Sellman, as tenants in common
for all his interest in law and equity, in the residue of the
real estate of the said Richard Dorsey, in which residue,
after the termination of the life estate oi said Ann Dorsey,
the said Caleb Dorsey shall be entitled to one undivided
third part, Ann E. Dorsey shall be entitled to one undivid-
ed third part, and Leonard Sellman, Richard Dorsey Sell-
man, Mary Ann Jauatta Sellman, and John Stephen Sell-
man, four children oi Mary Sellman, shall be entitled to
one undivided third part; and John S. Sellman shall be
entitled, as tenant by the curtesy, during his life, to the
one undivided third part of the said residue, by reason of
his intermarriage with the said Mary, and the said Essex
R. Dorsey shall be entitled, as tenant by the curtesy, dur-
ing his life, to the one undivided third part of the said
residue, by reason of his intermarriage with the said
Anne E.
All according to
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, And it is hereby provided ne-
vertheless, That the mutual deeds to be executed under
this act, shall be made, acknowledged, and recorded, ac-
cording to the laws of this State, in such cases made and