CHAP. 95.
An act to Divot ce Mary Jinn Kirby, of the city of Balti-
more, from her husband William Kirby.
Passed Feb.20, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Mary Ann Kirby of the City of Balti-
more, he henceforth divorced from her husband William
Kirby, and the marriage heretofore had and solemnized be-
tween them, is declared to be henceforth and forever null
and void, and they are hereby declaied to be mutually re-
leased from all and every duty and obligation, and benefit
and advantage growing out and in consequence of the said
marriage, and the said Mary Ann Kirby is hereby declared
to be divorced a vinculo matrimonii.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Mary Ann Kir-
by be, and she is hereby declared to be entitled to the cus-
tody and guardianship of her child by her present marriage
during said child's minority, and that she and her said
child be, and they are hereby authorised to resume, take
use and be known by her maiden surname of Parks.
Name changed.
An act to Incorporate the Cliatsworth Water Company of
Passed Feb. 23, 1833
WHEREAS, a number of the citizens of Baltimore, have
petitioned this General Assembly that an act may be pass-
ed to incorporate a company for the purpose of introducing
into the city the water from several springs; and whereas,
they represent that the convenience, comfort, and health of
a considerable portion of the inhabitants would be greatly
promoted thereby:— Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a company shall be established in the city
of Baltimore for said purpose, the capital stock whereof
shall be twenty-five thousand dollars, divided intp five
hundred shares; and that subscriptions to constitute said
stock shall on the first Monday of April next be opened in
said city, under the superintendance of the following com-
missioners, or a majority of them, viz: Thomas Baltzell,
F. A. Thornton, John S. Shriver, Edward Hinkley, and.
Capitaal $25,000
Nathaniel Williams; and that the subscription books shall
be opened, and kept opened for the space of two days, and
Bookd opened for