whereas, he now prays that a law may pass making his deed
valid— Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the aforesaid deed of conveyance from Ar chibald
Thompson and Elizabeth his wife, to Christian Henry Bes-
ler, shall be as good and valid in law, to all intents and pur-
poses, as if the magistrates who took the acknowledg-
ment had had given their proper certificates of the ac-
nowledgment, &c. in the manner required by law, any thing
in any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb.31, 1833
An act to change the name of Duncun McCulloch oj the
City of Baltimore, to that of Duncan Hugh McCulloch.
Name changed
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the name of Duncan McCulloch, the son
of Hugh McCulloch, be, and the same is hereby altered
and changed to the name of Duncan Hugh McCulloch,
and it shall and may be lawi'ul for the said Duncan
McCulloch, at all times hereafter to be known by, and to
hold and use the name of Duncan Hugh McCulloch, and
by that name to sue and be sued in any court of law or
Acts confirmed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all deeds, contracts, se-
curities, promises, assurances and lawful acts whatever
heretofore made or done, or hereafter to be made or done
by or to the said Duncan McCulloch, shall be as the same
force and effect to all intents and purposes as if the name
had not been changed to that of Duncan Hugh McCul-
Passed Feb 21, 1833
An act to repeal so much of the act of December Session,
eighteen hundred and thirty one, chapter two hundred and
twenty-three, as relates to the Lands of, Stephen J. Bradley,
of Caroline County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That so much of the act of December session, eighteen