collectors on account of lands sold for tax, for the purpose
of redeeming the same, they are hereby required imme-
diately to pay over the said monies to the person or per-
sons (or their legal representatives) for whose use the same
was intended.
CHAP. 86,
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for the ,
erection of a building for the accommodation of Somerset
County Court.
Passe Feb. 20, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners appointed by the Levy court of
Somerset county to build a Court-house, or Court-room for
said county, in pursuance of an act, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter thirty-
five, be, and they are hereby authorised to build a Court-
house, or Court-room, on any of the public property, in
the Town of Princess Ann, which they may deem proper,
and shall have power or authority to tear down any public
building, at present thereon, except the county jail, and the
fire proof building in which the county records are now
An ad to make valid the Deed of Conveyance therein men-
Passed Feb 21, 1833
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
by the petition of Christian Henry Besler, that on the four-
teenth day of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
he obtained a deed of conveyance for a tract of land from
Archibald Thompson, and Elizabeth his wife, which was
executed and acknowledged in the way, as he thought, the
law required; And whereas, the said Christian Henry Bes-
ler, being ignorant of the manner of proceeding in such
cases, trusted altogether to others, and now finds his deed
inadequate to give him the title which was intended to be
conveyed, which defect in said instrument has happened
from the neglect of the magistrates who took the acknowl-
edgment, to endorse a correct certificate thereon; and