CHAP. 81.
dient and proper, to reduce the width of Holland street, to
fort feet between Eden street, and Union alley, in the said
Sec. 2. And, be it enacted, That the said Mayor and City
Council, before they finally pass upon any ordinance to pro-
vide for the reduction of the said street as aforesaid, shall
first cause an advertisement to be published for one week
in all the daily papers of the said city, (the expense of said
advertisement to be paid by the party or parties applying
for the passage of the said ordinance,) setting forth the
name of the street to be immediately affected thereby, and
in what way the same is to be affected, and notifying all
persons interested to make their objections, if any they have,
to the passage of said ordinance, on or before some day to
be fixed by the said Mayor and City Council.
Passed Feb, 20, 1833
An act to authorise the, Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, to open and extend Silver street in the city of Bal-
timore, eastwardly from Spring street to Caroline street.
Authority to open.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
be, and are hereby authorised to open and extend by ordi-
nance, Silver street in the city of Baltimore, in an east-
wardly direction from Spring street, to the east side of
Caroline street.
Subject to laws
and ordinances
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Silver street extended
and opened as aforesaid, and every part of the same from
Canal street to Caroline street, shall be, and hereby is
made subjeet, from the time when opened and extended
by ordinance, to the operation of the laws and ordinances
relating to public streets in the city of Baltimore.
Previous adver.
tisement required.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, before they finally pass upon any
ordinance authorised by this act, shall first cause an adver-
tisement to be published for one week, in the daily papers
of the city of Baltimore, (the expense of said advertise-
ments to be paid by the party or parties applying for the
passage of the said ordinance) setting out the name of
the street to be immediately affected thereby, and in what
way the same is to be affected, and notifying all persons
interested to make their objections, if any they have, to