the passage of said ordinance, on or before some day to
be fixed by the said Mayor and City Conucil.
CHAP. 82.
An act to Incorporate the Baltimore Snuff Mill Company.
Passed Feb 20, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Baldwin, Jacob Myers, William
Heald, Daniel Bixler, Jacob Heald, John Weaver, John
Hack, Jehu Gallaway, John Turet, Edward Chassaing, Ro-
bert Starr, Charles Ingram, John B. Moody, John V. Bald-
win, Anthony Bonn, Joseph Bonn, James F. Eichelberger,
John S. Eichelberger, and the administrators of the es-
tate-of the late David Bixler deceased, and such other per-
son or persons as may become associated with them for
that purpose, are hereby created a body politic and corpo-
rate, by the name and style of the "Baltimore Snuff Mill
Company," and by that name and style shall be capable of
suing and being sued, plead and be implead, answer and
defend, and be answered and defended in any court of law
or equity in this State, and of purchasing, holding, im-
proving, and conveying, any estate, real, personal or mix-
change or renew at pleasure, and generally to do every
other act or thing necessary to carry into effect this act, or
to promote the object and design of this corporation.
Persons incorpora-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the object, and purposes
of this corporation are declared to be the manufacturing
or grinding of Snuff, and the carrying on any other manu-
facture necessary thereto, or connected therewith,and none
other; and for these objects and purposes, the said corpo-
ration is hereby authorised and empowered to purchase
Object decleared
and hold one or more factories, and as much land as may
be necessary to conduct the same in fee simple, or any
lesser estate, and to erect such buildings and other im-
provements on such land as may be deemed convenient
and necessary, and to procure by purchase or other lawful
means, all kind of necessary materials, goods and chatties,
necessary for the operation of said work, and the same to
use, lease, sell, or otherwise dispose off, as fully and free-
ly as any individual may lawfully do.
Powers therefor.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars,
Capital $20.