' to the said Bank, whether such lands, tenements or here-
ditaments, or estate or interest therein be sold for the sat-
isfaction in particular of any such debt to said Bank, or for
the payment of such debt, and any other debt or debts,
and whether such sale be made by any trustee or trustees,
appointed or to be appointed for that purpose, or by any
Sheriff or other officer, in virtue of any writ of fieri facias
or venditioni exponas, issued or to be issued on any such
CHAP. 80.
decree; Provided, That the said Bank shall not be entitled
to hold any real estate so purchased as aforesaid, exceed-
ing the term of three years, in case that the amount for
which the same was purchased, may be obtained therefor,
and it shall be the duty of the President and Directors,
under the penalty of forfeiting the charter of the said Bank,
to sell and convey the said real estate to a bona fide pur-
chaser within the term of three years as aforesaid.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful for said Bank to discount any bills of exchange or
promissory notes, which shall be offered for discount in said
bank by any person or persons; although the same shall
not on the face thereof, be made negotiable at the Bank of
Westminster, nor be made payable at the house of any
person in Westminster, and that the same shall be recover-
able by said Bank, in any court of law or equity, and be
good and valid to all intents and purposes.
Authority to ne-
gotiate extended
Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful for said Bank to accept, receive, and to discount,
any promissory notes, bills of exchange, checks or drafts,
made or drawn, payable to the Bank of Westminster, as
payee, which may be offered for discount in said Bank by
any person or persons; and that all such promissory notes,
bills of exchange, checks and drafts, when discounted by
said Bank, shall be valid and binding in law, upon the ma-
kers, drawers and acceptors thereof, respectively, as the
case may be, and recoverable in any court of law or equity.
Notes payable to
the bank as payee.
An act to authorise the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, to reduce the width of a part of Holland Street.
Passed Feb. 26, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
be, and they are hereby authorised, if they deem it expe-
Authority to re-