CHAP. 79.
against the securities in the same, and the amount recov-
ered shall go to the county.
Passed Feb 20,1833
A further Supplement to the act, entitled, An act, to allow
Adam Robb, the Executor of Upton Beall, late Ckrk of
Montgomery county, further time to complete certain Re-
cords, passed at December Session, eighteen hundred and
twenty eight, chapter two.
Time extended.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time allowed to Adam Robb, executor of Upton
Beall, late Clerk of Montgomery county court, to complete
the recording of certain judgments and proceedings, be
extended to the said Adam Robb, until the first day of Feb-
ruary, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, any law to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb 20, 1833
An act for the benefit of the Bank of Westminster, in Fre-
derick county.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, by the memorial of the President and Directors of
the Bank of Westminster, in Frederick county, that it is
doubtful whether they are competent, under existing legis-
lative enactments, to exercise certain powers and functions,
deemed useful and expedient, in the operations of said
Bank, and as it is manifestly inconvenient that any such
doubt should continue— Therefore,
Authority to buy-
hold and sell pro-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it
shall and may be lawful, for the Bank of Westminster, in
Frederick county, to purchase and hold, and at any time
after to sell and convey any lands, tenements and heredi-
taments, or any estate or interest therein, which may be sold
under any decree of the high court of Chancery, or of any
county court, setting as a court of Chancery, heretofore
passed or hereafter to be passed, for the payment of any
debt due or to become due, or hereafter to be contracted,