CHAP. 71.
ing from the commissioners on account, an oath of the said
expenses, including an allowance of two dollars per day,
to the commissioners for their services, to levy the same in
the proportion before stated on the assessable property of
said county, to be collected as other county charges are
now collected.
Damages to be
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners by
this act appointed, shall value and ascertain the damages
that may be sustained by any person or persons, through
whose land the said road may be made to pass, taking in-
Levied and laid.
to consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if any,
and the damages so ascertained, shall be levied and assess-
ed as other county charges in said county are, and shall
be paid by the county.
Oath required.
Sec. 5. And be enacted, That in case of the death, re-
signation or refusal to act of any one of the commission-
ers hereinbefore named, and from time to time it shall be
lawful for those surviving, remaining or qualifying, to ap-
point another in his stead; and in case of the death, resig-
nation or refusal to act,of any three of the said commission-
ers, before the making of the appointment last as aforesaid
and from time to time it shall be lawful for the commission-
ers of Cecil county, and they are hereby required to fill up
such vacancies at their next meeting which shall take
place after such event, or as soon thereafter as may be
convenient; all which persons so appointed either by the
commissioners named in this act for laying out the said
road, or by the commissioners of Cecil county, shall quali-
fy in the manner hereinafter directed.
Sec. 6. And. be it enacted, That the said commissioners
before they proceed to act, shall take an oath or affirma-
tion before some Justice of the Peace, that they will with-
out favor, partiality or prejudice, assess the damages sus-
tained by the persons through whose land the said road
may pasi.
Passed Feb.18,1833
An act to authorise the Governor and Council to appoint
one Justice of the Levy Court for each election district in
Frederick county.
Authority to ap-
point, &c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor aad Council be, and they