are hereby authorised and required to appoint annually, as
many Justices of the Levy Court for Frederick county, as
there may or shall be election districts in the said county,
not more than one of whom shall reside in the same elec-
tion district,and the said persons so appointed,shall have and
exercise all the powers heretotore exercised by the Levy
court of said county.
CHAP. 72.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted be the authority aforesaid,
That all the acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Acts inconsistent
A further additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act
for the distribution oj a certain fund, for the purpose of
establishing Free Schools in the several Counties therein
named, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-one, chapter one hundred and thirty-nine, each Elec-
tion District for Caroline county was constituted and ap-
pointed a separate School District for said county, and that
the Orphans' Court for said county was intrusted with the
funds mentioned in said act for the education of the poor
white children in said county, and was directed and requir-
ed to appoint five Commissioners for each Election Dis-
trict, and that the fund arising to said county, under said
law, should be equally divided, and annually placed by said
Court, subject to the order of said District Commissioners,
and that for the Upper District, there remains a sum unap-
propriated, and for which reason, in part, is the want of sui-
table and convenient houses — Therefore,
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Commissioners for the Upper School
District of the said county, be authorized and required to
appropriate, out of the surplus fund now in the hands of
the Orphans' Court, such sum of money as, in their judg-
ment and discretion, they shall think proper, (not exceed-
ing one hundred dollars,) to each site or location as laid
out and named by the Commissioners appointed by a law
passed at the last session of Assembly, chapter two hun-
dred and forty-four, for the purpose of erecting comfortable
and suitable houses for schools, and where the same is
Provisions for e-
recting school hou-
ses in the upper