authprity to view, value, and make partition, of the lands
and premises which have descended to Rebecca Orrell,
wife of Daniel Orrell, and her sister Susan or Susanna
Boon, in consequence of the death of their two brothers,
perty had all descended from the last surviving brother.
CHAP. 70.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners to
be appointed in virtue of this act, before they proceed to
act, shall take the same oath which is prescribed by the act
to direct descents, and their proceedings in the execution
of the trust reposed in them, as to manner and form, shall
be in conformity to the general directions of said act.
An act to lay out and open a Road in Cecil county.
Passed Feb. 16, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Levi H. Evans, John S. Maffitt, Henry
D. Miller, William Mackey and Joseph Harlan, be and the
same are hereby appointed commissioners to survey, lay
out, and open a road, not exceeding thirty feet in width,
commenaing at or near the Port Deposit Bridge, and to
keep the east side of the Susquehanna canal in the most
direct and practicable route to the bridge across the Octo-
raro ereek at Rowlandville; and the said commissioners
Commissioners to
lay out and open
shall make out a plot of said road, and return the same to
the Clerk of the county court, to be recorded among the
records of said county, and the said road when so opened
shall be thereafter deemed to be a public road forever, and
shall be kept in repair in the same manner as other public
roads are directed to be kept in said county.
Public Highway
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Cecil county, shall at their next levy, and at their discretion
levy not more than one half of such sum as may be deemed
sufficient for completing the said road, and the balance
Levy, how to be
made, &c.
thereof at the levy which shall take place in the year eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-four; Provided, that the whole
sum shall not exceed the sum of eight hundred dollars, to
be levied and and collected as other county taxes are, and
when so collected, shall be paid over to the commission-
ers aforesaid, for the purpose of making said road.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
said county are hereby authorised and required, on receiv-
Compensation for
commissioners, &c