preceeding section; Provided, the same be in all respects
in conformity with the provisions of the existing law upon
the subject of sheriff's bonds.
CHAP. 12.
An act to correct an error, and make valid a deed from John
Hicks and wife, to Jeremiah Marshall, of Dorchester
Passed, Jan 22, 1833
WHEREAS, it appears by the affidavit of James Le-
compte, one of the justices of the peace, before whom the
acknowledgement and execution of a certain deed or in-
strument of writing was made and executed, bearing date
the twenty ninth day of May, one thousand eight hundred
and twenty eight, from John Hicks and his wife, to Jere-
miah Marshall, that he the said James Lecompte, did
through mistake inadvertently write and subscribe the
name of "James Hicks" instead of John Hicks to the said
deed; And whereas, it is desirable to correct the said error
or mistake and make valid the said deed — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the deed or in-
strument of writing from John Hicks, and his wife, to
Jeremiah Marshall, bearing date the twenty ninth day of
May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, be,
and the same is hereby confirmed and made valid to all
intents and purposes, in as full and ample a manner as if
the said John Hicks' name had been made and subscribed
to the said deed in the first instance.
An act relating to a certain deed therein mentioned.
Passed Jan.23, 1833
WHEREAS, Acquilla Amos and Elizabeth Amos his
wife, of the state of Ohio, executed a deed of bargain and
sale, dated the twenty second day of March, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty one, and acknowledged the same before
George Sharp, an associate Judge of the fifth judicial dis-
trict of the state of Ohio, according to law, to Doctcr James
Montgomery for certain lands in said deed mentioned;