belonging to the said corporation, and of the debts due to,
and from the said corporation, and the purposes for which
disbursements shall have been made, and shall also have
the right to authorise one or more persons to inspect such
general accounts in the books of the corporation, as shall
relate to such statements.
CHAP. 64.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the General Assembly
of Maryland reserves the right, to change, alter or annul
this act of incorporation at any time.
Right to alter and
An act to confirm an act, passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-one, chapter two hundred and
thirty-two, altering and amending the Constitution of this
State, so far as relates to election districts in Baltimore
Passed Feb. 15,1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act passed at the last session of the General As-
sembly of this State, chapter two hundred and thirty-two,
relating to election districts in Baltimore county, be, and
the same is hereby confirmed and made valid, and declar-
ed to be made a part of the constitution of this State.
Alteration con-
An act to authorise the Commissioners of Washington coun-
ty, to levy upon the assessable property of said county, a
sum or sums of money, in cases of Epidemics.
Passed Feb. 15, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners of Washington county be, and
they are hereby authorised and empowered to levy upon the
taxable property of said county, such sum or sums of
money, as may be sufficient to defray the expenses that
have been incurred by any citizen, or citizens, or corpora-
tion in said county, in making provision for the accom-
modation and attendance of the poor of said county, who
were attacked by the Cholera; the accounts or claims pre-
sented, to be in every case satisfactorily vouched for.