CHAP. 62.
B. Wheeler, William Lecompte, of Peter, Levin Jones, T.
Point, Samuel Griffin, Robert Hubbard, John Dorsey,
James Seward, Thomas A. Edmondson and Zachariah
Fooks, the officers and members of Dorchester Lodge,
Number Nineteen, of the Order of Independent Odd Fel-
lows, and their successors, be, and they arc hereby declar-
ed to be a community, corporation and body politic forever,
Corporate charac-
ter, &c.
by the name, style and title of Dorchester Lodge, Number
Nineteen, of the Order of Independent Odd Fellows, and
by that name, they and their successors, shall and may at
all times hereafter be capable in law to have, receive, and
retain to them and their successors, property real and per-
sonal; also devises or bequests of any person or persons,
bodies corporate or politic, capable of making the same and
manner as they may think proper; Provided always, That
the said corporation or body politic, shall not at any time
hold or possess property, real, personal or mixed, exceed-
ing in annual value, the sum of five thousand dollars.
Legal capacity
Sec. 2. Aind be it enacted, That the said corporation and
their successors, by the name and title aforesaid, shall be
forever thereafter capable in law to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend
and be defended, in all or any courts of justice, and before
all and any judges, officers, or persons whatsoever, in all
and singular actions, matters or demands whatever.
Corporate powers
and object
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be law-
ful for the said corporation to have a common seal for
their use, and the same at their will and pleasure to change,
alter and make anew from time to time as they may think
best, and shall in general have and exercise all such rights,
privileges and immunities, as by law are incident or neces-
sary to corporations, and what may be necessary to the
corporation herein constituted, and to enable the members
of said order to exercise all things concerning the design
of this corporation, for the benevolent relief of the sick
and distressed, and for the promotion of their purposes
Hall released from
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That any hall that may here-
after be erected, in the Town of Cambridge, for the meet-
ings of the above corporation, and the ground and appur-
tenances thereto attached, be and the same are hereby re-
leased from taxation.
Authority to in-
spect reserved
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall and maybe law-
ful at any time, for the General Assembly to demand a
statement of the amount of property, real and personal,