CHAP. 61.
said Eliza, have, or claim any right, title, or interest in, or
to the estate, real, personal, or mixed, of the said Eliza,
which may or shall be by her hereafter acquired by pur-
chase or otherwise; nor shall the said Eliza, by virtue of
her marriage with the said James Selby, have or claim any
Rights in of parties
right, title, or interest in, or to, the estate, real, personal, or
mixed, of the said James Selby, which may or shall be by
him hereafter acquired by purchase or otherwise.
Passed Feb.13, 1833
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Frederick county to
allow additional compensation to John P. Schuyler, and
for other purposes.
Levy court may
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Levy court of Frederick county, be,
and they are hereby authorised to allow and pay to John
P. Schuyier, such additional compensation for building a
bridge over the Monococy river, at William's Ferry, as
And levy.
they, in their, discretion, may deem just and proper; and
that they levy on the assessable property of Frederick '
county, such sum as they may allow him; Provided, That
said additional compensation, together with the sums here-
tofore paid him, for the erection of said bridge, shall not
exceed twelve thousand dollars, the sum originally limited
to be levied for that purpose, by an act of the General As-
sembly, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-nine, chapter ninety-six.
Penalty for injur-
ing bridges
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act it shall be lawful for any justice of the
peace of the State of Maryland, to impose a fine not ex-
ceeding ten dollars, for every offence, upon any person or
persons, who shall hereafter, cut, deface, or in any manner
wilfully injure the said bridge, and in default of the pay-
ment thereof, to commit the offender to the jail of Freder-
ick county until it shall be paid.
Method of passing
on, regulated.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall not be hereaf-
ter lawful for any person or persons to drive any wagon,
cart or other wheeled vehicle, nor to ride on horse-back,
across said bridge, in a more rapid pace than a walk, nor
to drive a greater number than one hundred of sheep or
Penalty for viola-
hogs, nor a greater number than forty, of horses or cattle,
across said bridge, at one and the same time, under a pe-