and mutual co-habitation with her husband, David G.
CHAP. 60.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said David G.
Stansbury shall not, by virtue of his marriage with the
said Sarah Ann Stansbury, be in any manner entitled to
or authorised to have or claim any right, title, or interest,
in the estate, real, personal, or mixed, of the said Sarah
Ann Stansbury, to be acquired by her, subsequent to the
passage of this act, nor shall the said Sarah Ann Stans-
bury be entitled to have or claim any right, title, or interest
in the estate, real, personal, or mixed, of the said David
G. Stansbury, to be acquired by him subsequent to the
passage of this act.
Rights and claims
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Sarah Ann
Stansbury shall have and exercise all the rights, privileges
and immunities, and be subject to all the legal responsi-
bilities of a feme sole, in the same manner she would
have been if she never had been married.
Rights as Feme
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Sarah Ann
Stansbury be, and she is hereby declared to be entitled to
the custody and guardianship of her children by her pre-
Guardianship con-
sent marriage, during their minority, and that she and they
be, and they are hereby authorised to resume, take, use,
and be known by her maiden surname of Scott.
Resume name.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said David G.
Stansbury shall not be liable for any debts to be hereafter
contracted by the said Sarah Ann Stansbury.
Liability annulled.
An ad to divorce Eliza Selby, of Baltimore city, from her
husband James Selby.
Passed Feb. 16, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Eliza Selby, of Baltimore city, be, and
she is hereby divorced from the bed and board of, and
mutual co-habitation with, her husband James Selby.
Divorce granted.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That she may and shall
henceforth take, and be known by the name of Eliza
Farrin; that she shall be subject to all the legal responsi-
bilities, and have and exercise all the rights and privileges
of a feme sole, except that of marrying again, in the same
manner as if she had never been married; that the said
James Selby shall not, by virtue of his marriage with the
Name changed.