CHAP. 59.
upon the application of the proprietors of a majority of
the feet, in front .or length, of any private wharf, dock,
street, lane, or alley, in the said city, to cause the same to
To pave, clean out
be paved, cleaned out, mended, or otherwise repaired, or
kept in good condition and repair; and to impose upon
and collect from all the proprietors of the property so to
Levy tax on own-
be cleaned out and repaired, a tax sufficient, in amount, to
defray the expense thereof, which tax shall be assessed
upon the said proprietors in proportion to the number of
ieet held by them, respectively, in front or length as afore-
said, and shall be recovered by the said Mayor and City
Council, in like manner as taxes levied for paving public
streets in the said city are recoverable.
Passed Feb.11, 1833
An act to explain an act, entitled, "an act authorising Cor-
nelia A Howard, guardian of John E. Howard, of the
city of Baltimore, to lease certain property therein men-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful to and for Cornelia Anna-
bella Howard, guardian of John Eager Howard, an infant,
in all leases made by her, in virtue of the act to which this
is a supplement, to stipulate with the lessees', for the free
and unobstructed removal by them, at the expiration of
their respective terms, of all improvements erected by them
on the premises leased, Provided, that all arrears of rent
shall have been previously paid to the person or persons
authorised to receive the same, on behalf of the said in-
fant, and that the premises be left, by the lessees, in equally
good condition as when originally leased to them.
Passed Feb. 16, 1833
An act for the relief of Sarah Ann Stansbury, of the city
of Baltimore.
Divorce granted.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sarah Ann Stansbury, of the city of
Baltimore, be, and she is hereby divorced from bed, board,