thereafter, if no sufficient cause be shewn to the contrary,
and if confirmed, shall be recorded at the expense of the
owner or owners, of said land and materials; and if dispu-
ted by either party, the said county court shall determine
the same according to law, and the right of the matter; and
CHAP. 57.
Confirmed by
either of the said parties may demand a trial by jury, on
issues formed, or leave the cause to be determined by the
court, at their election.
Trial by Jury.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the President of the
United States, or such person or persons as may be ap-
pointed by him, shall have power and authority to purchase
and contract for all materials necessary in repairing any
part of said National Road within the limits of this State,
and the same to condemn if refused by the course of pro-
ceedings provided for in the second section of this act.
Purchase or con-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That John Hoye, Meshach
Frost, and the superintendant for the time being, appointed
by the President of the United States, or a majority of
them, are hereby appointed Commissioners to report the
said National Road, when finished and repaired within the
limits of this State, to the Governor and Council of this
Commissioners to
An act to repeal an act, entitled, "an act for the encourage-
ment of an Iron Manufacture within this Province."
Passed Feb 21, 1823
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act passed on the sixth day of June, in the year
seventeen hundred and nineteen, entitled, "An act for the
encouragement of an Iron Manufacture within this Pro-
vince," be and the same is hereby repealed and annulled.
An act relating to private Wharves, Docks, and the like, in
the city of Baltimore.
Passed Feb. 23, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, be and
they are hereby authorised, in their discretion, at any time,
Corporation au
thorised on appli-