CHAP. 54.
said real estate to the said Thomas Adam Spence, — There-
Petition authori-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the said Thomas Adam Spence, be, and he
is hereby authorised to file his petition in the Court of
Chancery of Maryland, or in Somerset County Court sit-
ting as a Court of Chancery, praying for the appointment
of a Trustee to complete the aforesaid trust so as aforesaid
left unfinished by the said James H. Handy; and the Chan-
cellor, or Somerset County Court sitting as a Court of
Court shaall enter-
May proceed.
Chancery, are hereby authorised and required to entertain
said petition, and upon being satisfied of the truth of the
several facts represented in the preamble to this act, and
that the said sale was in all respects fair, to appoint some
suitable person to be a trustee to complete tke trust so as
aforesaid left unfinished by the said James H. Handy.
Publication direct-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Chancellor or
County Court may cause publication of notice, to be made
and given to all persons, corporations, and benevolent
institutions, beyond the jurisdiction of this State, in any
Further proceed-
ings directed
wise interested in the said sale, or in the trust fund intend-
ed to be created by the said will, limiting a certain day in
the discretion of the said Chancellor or County Court,
before which a good and sufficient plea, answer, or demur-
rer shall be filed to the said petition, or otherwise the said
petition shall be taken pro confesso and a decree pass ac-
Publication in
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said publication of
notice shall be made in some newspaper printed in the
Commission to
take testimony
city of Washington.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Chancellor, or
Somerset County Court, may issue a commission exparte,
to one or more Commissioners to take testimony to support
the allegations of the said petition.
Style of publica-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said publication of
notice, so far as corporations or benevolent institutions are
concerned, may be made by the name and style used in
said last will and testament.
Trustee Bond.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said trustee shall
first execute a bond to the State of Maryland in such pen-
alty, and with such security as shall be approved by the
said Chancellor or County Court, for the faithful discharge
of his trust, which said bond shall be lodged with the
Register in Chancery, or the Clerk of the said County
Court, as the case may be, and may be sued upon by any
person interested in the faithful execution of the said trust,