as in all other cases of trustees appointed by the Chancel-
lor, or County Courts sitting as Courts of Chancery.
CHAP. 55.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the said trustee so to
appointed, shall be, and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered to complete the trust so as' aforesaid reposed by
the said Sophia L. Davis in the said James H. Handy, in
the same manner that the said James H. Handy was re-
quired te execute the same by said will, and that the said
trustee shall in all respects conform to the directions and
requirements of said will.
Trustee empower-
A Supplement to the act, entiled, "An act, vesting certain
powers in the President of the United Slates."
Passed Feb.18, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the consent of this State is hereby given,
and it shall be lawful for the President of the United States
or any other person duly authorised by him, by virtue of
any act of the Congress of the United States, now in force,
or which may hereafter be enacted, in relation to the Uni-
ted States Road, commonly called the National Road, to
change the location of part of said road, within the limits
of this state, by beginning at the public square, in the
Town of Cumberland, near the Hotel, owned by David
Shriver, Esq. and running up Mechanic street, and the
main street throughout, up Will's Creek, towards the nar-
rows, and through the narrows, crossing Will's Creek at
the most suitable place, then running along the Ravine of
Braddock's Run, up to the present National Road, then
running with the present National Road, with such devia-
tions as will reduce the grade of said road, as far up as
Authority to
change location of
National Road.
Frostburgh; Provided, that no other deviations shall be
made from the principal points already established on said
road within the limits of this State; And provided, That
the part of said road now authorised to be made, by the
said change of location, shall be made of the best materi-
als, upon the McAdams plan; And provided, that a good
substantial Stone Bridge shall be made over the Mill Race,
in the Town of Cumberland, and over Will's Creek, at the
place of crossing; and provided, That substantial Stone
Bridges or Culver's shall be made wherever the same may
respectively be necessary along the line of said road.