der of the Court, and no deed has been given for the pre-
mises to the heirs, or the person so electing, or to the pur-
chaser and all of the Commissioners, or a majority of
them, have or shall have died, removed out of this State,
or otherwise become unable to execute a deed under the
commission, election, or order, as aforesaid, to the person
entitled thereto, the proper court or chancellor, as the case
may be, upon the application of such heir, or person enti-
tled; and having made his election or a purchaser as afore-
said, their heirs and devisees or assignees, or any person
or persons claiming under them, and being satisfied from
all of the facts and circumstances of the case, that the
valuation or purchase money has been paid, shall and may
CHAP. 54.
appoint one or more Commissioners, who shall by said ap-
pointment have the power to execute a deed for the premi-
ses to the party entitled thereto, as the case may be, his
heirs and assigns, which deed shall be as good and valid to
Appointment of
commissioner au-
all intents and purposes as if the same had been executed
by the Commissioners originally appointed in the pro-
His deed confirm-
An act for the completion of a certain trust therein men-
Passed Feb.16,1833
WHEREAS, it hath been represented to the General As-
sembly of Maryland, that a certain Sophia L. Davis of the
city of Washington, departed this life, having first made
and duly executed her last will and testament, in which
she appointed a certain James H. Handy, of the said city,
her sole Executor, and authorised, empowered, and direct-
ed him to sell and dispose of her real estate, and apply the
proceeds thereof according to the directions of the said
will. And whereas, it hath also been represented that the
said James H. Handy did make sale of the said real estate
of the said Sophia L. Davis, situated in Somerset county,
and State of Maryland, to a certain Thomas Adam Spence
of said county, who executed bond to the said James H.
Handy with security for the purchase money for the same.
And whereas, it hath also been represented, that the said
James H. Handy hath departed this life without having
completed the trust reposed in him by the said last will
and testament, and without having executed a deed for the