CHAP. 53.
recorded; and such maps, so approved and recorded, and
any copy thereof certified by the Register, under the city
seal, to be a true and correct copy, shall be evidence of the
alterations authorised by this act, and of the course and
location of the streets, wharves, lanes, alleys and other de-
lineations on said map.
Passed Feb.13,1833
An act for the relief of Charles Barr, of the city of Balti-
Imolvcntact ex-
tended to.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners of insolvent dehtors for the city
and county of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authoris-
ed and empowered, to grant to Charles Barr, of the city
of Baltimore, the benefit of the several acts of Assembly,
passed for the relief of insolvent debtors; Provided, the
said Charles Barr shall in all respects (except that of prov-
ing residence) comply with the requisitions of said acts of
Assembly, and that he satisfy the said Commissioners that
he did not come into this State with the view of obtaining
the benefit of the said insolvent laws.
Passed Feb. 16, 1833
A supplement to the act entitled, "An act to amend and re-
duce into one system the laws to direct Descents."
Particular case re-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the, General Assembly of
Maryland, That in any and all cases, under the act enti-
tled, "An act to direct Descents," passed at November ses-
sion, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, and under the act
to amend and reduce into one system the laws to direct
descents, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty, chapter one hundred and ninety-one, where
one of the heirs or persons entitled to take a real estate
has, or shall have made his election to take the same at the
valuation of the Commissioners, and pay the other heirs
their proportionable share in money, or where all of the
heirs have, or shall have refused to take the estate at the
valuation, and the same has or shall have been sold by or-