are hereby authorised to convey the same to the said An-
thony Thompson, by a deed •which shall be as valid as if
the sale had been made by a majority of the Commission-
ers originally named.
CHAP. 51.
An act to authorise certain Improvements in the Eastern part
of the City of Baltimore.
Passed Feb.13,1833
WHEHEAS, the Canton Company of Baltimore, and
William Patterson, have represented by their memorial to
the Legislature, that they are desirous of improving the
shore along the Northwest Branch of the Patapsco river,
in the Eastern part of the city of Baltimore for the purpose
of giving greater commercial facilities and protection to
the harbour and navigation, in such manner as will require
some alteration of the course of the streets, near the water
upon the ground, wholly owned by them, and have prayed
that they may be authorised to make such alterations with
the approbation of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Canton company of Baltimore, and
William Patterson, shall be, and they are hereby authorised
to make such alterations in the course of the streets, and
of the water line or wharf front, on the ground wholly
owned by the said company, or by the said William Pat-
terson, respectively, as the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, shall by ordinance, passed by them, assent to
or approve; and the authority hereby granted shall extend
to and include any ground purchased by the said company,
Authority to
change lines of
although not conveyed to them; provided, nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to condemn, or in any
degree affect or impair the rights of any person or persons
of any portion of said property which has been sold al-
though not yet conveyed to the said company.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That before any alterations
so made and authorised shall be deemed binding and effec-
tive as a part of the plan of the city of Baltimore, the said
Canton company shall, at their own expense, cause a sur-
vey and map thereof to be made, such as shall be approv-
ed by the Mayor and City Council aforesaid, and filed in
Survey of plat.
the office of the Register of the city of Baltimore, and there