CHAP. 50.
shall be to investigate the affairs of the said Company, and
to make and publish a report thereof, in one or more news-
papers printed in the City of Baltimore; and it shall also
be the duty of the Directors, on the first Monday of Janua-
ry and on the first Monday of July, in each and every year,
to make and declare a dividend of the interest and profits
of the said Company, after paying its expenses, and the
same to pay over unto the depositors, or their legal repre-
sentatives, within ten days thereafter.
Banking rights re-
served - not to issu-
ing notes
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in
this act shall be held or construed as granting, or intending
to grant, any power or powers inconsistent with the grants
of the State, to the existing Banking Institutions in the City
of Baltimore, or with the privilege secured to said Banks
by any act or acts of Assembly, now in force; nor author-
ize them to issue any bill, note, or other device, in the na-
ture of Bank notes.
Right of inspec-
tion reserved
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the concerns of the
said Company shall be at all times subject to the inspection
of the Treasurer of the Western Shore, or such other officer
of the State as may be selected for that purpose, from time
to time, by either branch of the Legislature.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue
and be in force until the year eighteen hundred and forty-
five, and to the end of the next session of the General As-
sembly which shall happen thereafter.
Passed Feb. 11, 1833
An act to authorise the Court of Dorchester county to make
valid the sale of certain Real Estate, to Anthony Thomp-
son, by Commissioners therein named.
Sale made valid
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sale of the real estate of Joseph Ro-
binson, of Dorchester county, as made by Peter Lecompte
and Joseph Lecompte, Commissioners to Anthony Thomp-
son, be, and the same is hereby made as valid to all intents
and purposes as if the same had been made by a majority
of the Commissioners, originally appointed by the court of
Dorchester county.
Authority to con-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the said sale made as
aforesaid, shall be ratified by the court of Dorchester
county, the Commissioners or either of them herein named