tied, after he or she shall have signed a declaration of said
wish, to receive a certificate for a share of the joint stock
of this Company, for each and every sura of twenty-six dol-
lars, by him or her previously and regularly deposited -with
said Company, in sums not exceeding five dollars, nor less
CHAP. 49.
more; which joint stock shall be transferable only on a book
or books kept by the Company for that purpose, and by the
Stockholder appearing in person or by attorney, to make
such transfer; but no such investment, nor any "transfer of
such stock, shall be permitted to be made by a married wo-
man, or person, under the age of twenty-one years — nor
Proviso as to trans-
shall any deposites, after being so converted into joint stock,
be subject to be withdrawn; and the owners of the joint
stock of this Company shall be entitled to dividends of the
profits made in common and equally with the weekly depos-
itors, in just proportion to their respective interests, — and
the said joint stock shall vest, by devise or administration,
on the death of the holder, in the legal representatives of
such holder; and every person who shall acquire, as afore-
said, and continue to own, one or more shares of the said
As to withdrawing
joint stock, shall be deemed a member of this Company,
and, as such, entitled in any meeting thereof for general or
Holders of shares
deemed members
special objects, and in the election of Directors, to one vote,
in his or her right as a member; and to additional votes in
proportion to the joint stock which such person may have
Right to vote.
so acquired and then own — that is to say: to one additional
vote for each share not exceeding five; three votes for the
next five shares; two votes for the succeeding five shares;
one vote for five shares exceeding fifteen and not more than
twenty; and one vote for every ten shares exceed ing twenty;
but no assignee of any of said depositors or owners of joint
stock, shall, as such", be entitled to vote as a member of
this Company until after he or she shall be admitted to all
the rights of membership, by the President and Directors
of this Company for the time being, or a majority of them,
who shall have power to confer or withhold from any and
Votes graduated
every such assignee the right of voting as a member of this
Company; nor shall any assignee of such stock vote on
such share or shares unless the said stock shall have been
transferred on the books of the Company at least three
months previous to any election.
As to assignee.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the Directors, at least once in every six months, to appoint,
from among the members of said Company, five compe-
tent persons as a committee of examination, whose duty it
Committee of in-