CHAP. 49.
sion of members, and furnishing proof of such admission;
to provide for paying all necessary expenses, for conduct-
ing the affairs of said Company, and generally, to pass all
such by-laws as shall be necessary to carry into effect the
provisions of this act; and the said by-laws from time to time
to alter and repeal; Provided, that all such by-laws as shall
be made by the directors may be altered or repealed by a
majority of the members assembled at any annual meeting,
or at any general meeting, called in pursuance of any by-
law made for that purpose. And a majority of the mem-
bers may, at any annual or general meeting, pass by-laws
which shall be binding upon the directors; Provided, that
such by-laws shall not be contrary to the laws of the State
May receive depo-
or of the United States.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Company
shall be capable of receiving from any white person or
Investment direct-
persons, any deposit or deposits of money, and shall have
the power of investing all monies so received, in public
stock, or other securities, at the discretion of the Direct-
Proviso as to the
ors, and in the manner deemed by them most safe and
beneficial; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall
be so construed as to confer authority on the Directors or
Stockholders by any rule or by-law to restrict or limit the
number of weekly depositors who may desire to deposite
or become members of said Corporation; provided, the
amount paid by each depositor be not less than the sum of
one dollar per week, and that they in all things comply
with the provisions of this act, and the rules and by-laws
which may from time be adopted.
Right of member-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That every person who shall
be a regular weekly depositor of said Company, and who
shall have deposited not less than one dollar in each week
for the period of twelve successive months, shall have the
privilege of becoming a member of said Company, and
shall have a right to require from the proper officer thereof,
under its by-laws, a certificate of membership; and that
when such depositor shall have received such certificate of
membership, he shall thereby become entitled to all the
rights and privileges of a member of said Company,
under its by-laws, or under the provisions of this act.
Limit to deposit.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the regular weekly de-
posites of any member of said Company, shall, in no case,
Right of invest-
ment in stock
exceed the sum of fire dollars in any one week.
Ses. 8. And be it enacted, That 'any person who shall
wish to make a permanent investment, of his or her de-
posites, in the joint stock of this Company, shall be enti-