immunities, to which he might have been entitled by com-
plying with the provisions of the act, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, chapter one
hundred and forty-seven, entitled, "An act for the relief of
CHAP. 42
Duncan Stone, of Kent county, (an alien);" Provided, the
said Duncan Stone shall, on or before the first day of
April, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, according to law,
become a citizen of the United States, and not otherwise.
An act to amend certain acts therein mentioned, and for other
Passe Feb. 12,1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the further time of eight months from and
after the passage of this act, be, and the same is hereby
allowed to the petitioners for the purpose of clearing and
opening the several Roads hereinafter mentioned; respect-
ively, viz: the road described in an act, entitled, "An act
to confirm the proceedings of certain commissioners, and
extend the time for making a road in Baltimore county,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
one, chapter five; And also the two roads described in an
act, entitled, "An act to confirm" the proceedings of cer-
tain commissioners, and extend the time for making the
roads therein mentioned in Baltimore county, passed at
the last session of the General Assembly, chapter eighty;
And the road petitioned for on or about the fourth of May,
eighteen hundred and thirty, by John Shouck, Joseph My-
ers, and others, which was located and laid out by Thomas
missioners of Baltimore county, for the purpose of locating
the said road as prayed for, by said petitioners, and agree-
ably to the acts of Assembly, in such cases made and
Time to opem cer-
tain roads exten-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the petitioners, or
any of them, who have petitioned for any of the respective
roads hereinbefore mentioned, shall have cleared and open-
ed the same, which they are hereby fully authorised and
empowered to do, at any time within eight months from,
and after the passage of this act, it shall then be the duty
of the commissioners of Baltimore county to cause said
road or roads respectively to be reviewed in the same
Review, &c. di-