CHAP. 41.
Passed Feb. 12, 1833
An act to explain an act of Assembly, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty- one, chapter three
hundred and twenty-three, entitled," An act relating to
free negroes and slaves."
Original act not to
extend to cases of
slaves hired, &c
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That nothing contained in the act of Assembly, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter
three hundred and twenty-three, entitled, "An act relating
to free negroes and slaves," shall be taken or construed in
any manner to apply to, or to prohibit any person or persons
any negro, mulatto, or other slave, which shall have been,
or may hereafter be taken from this State, and hired to ser-
vice, in any adjoining State, district or territory, for a
limited time; Provided, no such negro, mulatto, or other
slave, shall, under any pretext whatever, be introduced, or
brought into this state by any person other than an actual
inhabitant of this state, who shall also be the owner and
proprietor of such slave, both at the time of the hiring or
letting to service aforesaid, and at the time of bringing
back or returning said slave into this state, or in case of
the death of the original owner, by his heirs, executors, ad-
Passed Feb.12, 1833
An act, to extend the provisions of the act of Assembly, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty nine,
chapter one hundred and forty seven, entitled, "An act
for the relief of Duncan Stone, of Kent county, (an
Time to naturalize
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the time allowed to Duncan Stone, of
Kent county, (an alien,) to become a citizen of the United
States, according to the requisitions of the laws of the
United States, prescribing the mode of naturalization, shall
be, and the same is hereby extended to the first day of
April, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.
Rights and privi-
leges granted
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Duncan Stone
shall be entitled to all the benefits, rights, privileges, and