teenth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, be and
the same is hereby suspended in its operation for the period
of four months, so far as relates to the removal from com-
mission of such officers as may not have reported them-
selves agreeably to the requirements of that resolution, and
that all the said officers be allowed until the first day of
June next, to report themselves, as required by said resolu-
Resolved, That the Adjutant General, 'be, and he is
hereby directed to issue his general order, requiring all of-
ficers who have not reported as directed by the resolution
of the fourteenth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
to report themselves to his department on or before the first
day of June next.
No. 79.
Resolution relative to the distribution of the Laws and
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the printer of the State be, and he is hereby authorized and
required to "complete the printing of the laws and journals
of the present session, and all subsequent sessions, at as
early a day after the adjournment of the Legislature as prac-
ticable, and to distribute the same, and all other documents
that are authorized to be distributed by law, as now re-
quired, to the several persons entitled to receive the same;
and that on the said printer's presenting to the Governor
and Council the receipt or receipts of the several clerks of
the counties of this State, for the receipt of said laws and
journals as aforesaid, specifying that the same were de-
livered before the tenth day of May, then and in that case
the Governor arid Council are hereby authorized to allow
him such compensation for the distribution of the same, as
they shall deem to be just and proper; and that they draw
on the Treasurer of the Western Shore for the amount
thereof; Provided, the same shall not exceed the sum of one
hundred dollars for the Western Shore, and not more than
My for the Eastern Shore; And provided further, that if
the said printer do not agree with the Executive or Clerk
of the Council, within ten days after the adjournment of the
session of the Legislature, as aforesaid, for the distribution
of the same, then and in that case proposals shall be issued
Passed March 22