obligation to pay, as' the surety of Robert H. Scharf, any
sum of money, for or on account of taxes which the said
Scharf collected, or should have collected, for this State,
or the City or County of Baltimore; — Therefore,
CHAP. 39.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said William C. Weatherby, be, and
he is hereby released and finally discharged from his obli-
gation to pay, as the surety of said Scharf, any sum of mo-
ney, for or on account of taxes which the said Scharf col-
lected, or should have collected, for the State.
Rwleased from ob-
Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That the Commis-
sioners for Baltimore county shall have full power and au-
thority to release and finally discharge the said William C.
Weatherby of and from all liability and obligation to pay
ted any bond or bonds as surety of the said Scharf, to the
State of Maryland, for the use and behoof of the said Scharf,
to the Justices of the Levy Court of Baltimore county, or
to the said Commissioners, upon their being satisfied of his
inability to pay the same.
Authority to er-
An act to divorce Cassandra O'Brien, of the city of Balti-
more, from her husband Hugh O'Brien.
Passed Feb. 7, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Cassandra O'Brien be, and she is hereby
divorced from bed, board, and mutual co-habitation with
her husband, Hugh O'Brien.
Divorce granted.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Cassandra O'-
Brien be, and she is hereby authorized and empowered to
make any contract with any person or persons whatsoever,
and to sue and be sued in her own name, and without
joining her said husband in any such suit or suits, and have
and exercise all the rights, privileges, and immunities, and
be subject to all the legal responsibilities cf a feme sole,
in the same manner she would have been if she never had
Right as Feme-
been married; Provided always, that this act shall not be
construed to authorize the said Cassandra O'Brien, or
Hugh O'Brien, to contract marriage while the said parties
are both living.