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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 412   View pdf image (33K)
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————— day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, in virtue
of the aforesaid resolution, and annually thereafter, the

Resolved, That said school shall teach one poor child for
each hundred dollars, so to be received., and shall comply
with the regulations of the donated Academies in this

Resolved, That the Trustees of said Academy report to
the General assembly, annually, the condition thereof.

No. 55.

Passed March 16,

Resolution in favor of William McLaughlin, of Alle-
gany County.

WHEREAS, by an act, passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-two, chapter one hundred and
twenty-eight, it was provided by the third section thereof,
that all certificates of surveys of lands made in Allegany
county, after the passage of said act, and returned to the
land office of the Western Shore, should be compounded

of survey, or become null and void, and the lands therein
contained, be liable to be again taken up as other vacant
land within said county; and whereas, it is represented to
this General Assembly that Wm. McLaughlin, of Allegany
county, has not, until the present period, relumed a certi-
ficate for a tract of land called "Slip," containing eight
and seven-eighth acres, and another for a tract of land,
called "Delia," containing thirty-two and a fourth acres,
both of which should have been returned on or about the
fifth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and
hence the Register of the Land Office of the Western
Shore rejects the reception of the same, the proper time
for the return of the said certificates having expired; and
wliereas, much disadvantage and inconvenience would
result to the said Wm. McLaughlin from having another
survey, — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Wm. McLaughlin, be, and he is hereby allowed further
time to compound on his certificate of survey, of the date
of seventh March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, call-
ed "Slip," containing eight acres and seven eights; and on
another of the date of the fifth March, eighteen hundred
and thirty-three, called "Delia," containing thirty-two and


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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 412   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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