a fourth acres; Provided, he shall have his certificates ex- ————
amined and compounded on the same, and make return
thereof to the Land Office, on or before the twenty-fifth
day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three; any law to
the contrary notwithstanding; Provided nevertheless, that
rights acquired in the said land by other persons since the
issuing of said warrants, shall not be affected by any thing
in this resolution.
No. 56.
Resolution in favor of Samuel Graham, of Anne-Arundel
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Commissioners for Anne-Arundel county, be authoriz-
ed and required to Levy upon the assessable property of
said county, any sum of money, which they in their judg-
ment may deem sufficient, to compensate Samuel Graham,
of said county, for being deprived of the use of a certain
negro, named Josh Williams, who was sentenced by the
county court, of the county aforesaid to the penitentiary;
whenever they shall be satisfied that the said negro was
the slave for a term of years, of the said Samuel.
Passed Mar. 16, 1833
No. 57.
Resolution in favor of Lower Marlbro' Academy.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That reso-
lution No. 59, of December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-one, "directing the treasurer of die western shore to
retain in the treasury, the additional donation granted to
Calvert county, for the use of Colleges and Academies,"
be and the same is hereby repealed; and that three hun-
dred dollars of the sum due to said county, by virtue of the
resolution No. 34, of the session aforesaid, be paid to the
trustees of Lower Marlbro' Academy, or to their order:
and in order to render effectual this resolution, the said
treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay over to
the said trustees, or to their order, the aforementioned sum
of three hundred dollars.
Passed March 16