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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 394   View pdf image (33K)
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NO. 18

Passed Feb. 15, 1833

Resolution requiring the Register of the Land Office to
record certain papers.

WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-eight, there was deposited in the Western
Shore Land Office, a small number of old leases from the
Lord Proprietary, to certain individuals, for lands lying in
the reserves of this State; AND WHEREAS, the Register of
the Land Office, was not directed, under the aforesaid reso-
lution to record said leases, they therefore have never been
recorded, and as there are many persons deriving their
whole title to said lands by said leases, it is therefore im-
portant that they should be recorded for the more effectual
preservation of their rights — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Register of the Land Office for the Western Shore, be,
and he is hereby authorized and required to record said
leases in a good and sufficient bound book, for that purpose;
and after the same shall have been recorded, the Governor
and Council are hereby required to examine the same, nnd
allow such compensation therefor, to the said Register, to
be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury,
as he is by law entitled to receive for like services.

No. 19.

Passed Feb'y. 15

Resolution in favour of Alexander Robertson, of Allegany

WHEREAS, by an act passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-two, chapter one hundred and
twenty-eight, it was provided by the third section thereof,
that all certificates of surveys of lands made in Allegany
county, after the passage of said act, and returned to the
Land Office of the Western Shore, should be compounded
on within twelve months from the date of such certificate of
survey, or become null and void, and the lands therein con-
tained, be liable to be again taken up, as other vacant land
within said county; AND WHEREAS, it is represented to
this General Assembly, that Alexander Robertson, of Alle-

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Session Laws, 1832
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