thirty, which fine was paid by the said Hutchinson, on the ——————
thirteenth of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, to
the Sheriff of said county.
No. 16.
Resolution relative to a work on the Testamentary Law.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be, and he is hereby authorised and requested to
subscribe on the part of the State, for one hundred and
fifty copies of the work on the Testamentary Law of the
State of Maryland, proposed to be published by the Honor-
able Clement Dorsey, associate judge of the first Judicial
District; provided, the same shall not exceed the price of six
dollars per copy.
Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay
unto his Excellency the Governor, or his order, out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury, such sum as may be
necessary to carry into effect the above resolution when the
books shall be deposited in the State Library.
Passed Feb. 11, 1833
No. 17.
Resolution in favour of the Warden of Baltimore county
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to the Warden of
Baltimore county jail, the sum of one hundred and fifty-six
dollars, and ninety-seven cents, being the amount of ex-
penses incurred on account of runaways, prior to the
fifth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thir-
ty-two, and chargeable to the state under the second sec-
tion of an act, passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-eight, chapter ninety- eight.
Passed Feb'y 16